Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Now That President Elect Barack Obama Will Be The Ocupant of The Oval Office, NOW WHAT?

Now That President Elect Barack Obama Will Be The Ocupant of The Oval Office, NOW WHAT?
Without a doubt people around the world are ecstatic about the victory of President Elect Barack Obama. With an economy on the brink of total collapse, with two seemingly endless wars going on, not to mention the rising number of Americans who are getting pink slips, what next for you and me. How do we turn this euphoria into meaningful change first in our communities and secondly in the world community. What will you do to be a meaningful agent of CHANGE?
Posted by murphman at 4:35 AM

1 comment:

davidswanson said...

Now everything! Now we lobby Congress for what we want, and they cannot tell us it'll be vetoed, and they cannot tell us it'll be filibustered. They canonly tell us yes or abandon all pretense of representing us.