Tuesday, November 18, 2008

How Will Pres. Elect Barack Obama's Historic Victory Affect Race Relations in The U.S.?

Since President elect Obama's historic victory, there has been a ground swell of hate crimes reported across the country, coupled with a dramatic increase in the number of guns (including high powered automatic weapons) sold in America. In rural Georgia, a group of high-schoolers gets a visit from the Secret Service after posting "inappropriate" comments about President-elect Barack Obama on the Web. In Raleigh, N.C., four college students admit to spraying race-tinged graffiti in a pedestrian tunnel after the election. On Nov. 6, a cross burns on the lawn of a biracial couple in Apolacon Township, Pa.
The election of America's first black president has triggered more than 200 hate-related incidents, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center – a record in modern presidential elections. Moreover, the white nationalist movement, bemoaning an election that confirmed voters' comfort with a multiracial demography, expects Mr. Obama's election to be a potent recruiting tool – one that watchdog groups warn could give new impetus to a mostly defanged fringe element. What do you thnk what will be the long term implications for the state of race relations in the U. S>?

1 comment:

davidswanson said...

You only posted the negative, and it's very real, but there is a positive impact in VA, NC, etc of having finally voted against racism and for a black candidate, and there are even Republicans who are making a rejection of racism part of their rejection of the craziest part of their party. Racism will continue to flare up but I suspect lessen a little more over the coming years. It won't be entirely gone anytime soon. Nor will it move toward greater acceptability.