Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Our Moral Authority !

Here we are in 2009, with this country's first black President in office and I guess we should all think that all is well in the camp. We must have returned to a point in time where the US can once again impart it's wishes on any country we'd like to. The opposition in Iran have taken to the streets as a result of the BOGUS election returns on June 12. And we've witnessed the harsh response by the Iranian government. While the government's actions are deplorable, who are we to wag our finger? It was just 9 short years ago when the U.S. Supreme Court halted the recount in Florida and thereby appointing and anointing George W. Bush, as our 43rd president. To add insult to injury, the forces behind Mr. Bush repeated the same shenanigans once again, but with an air of sophistication. Come Sen. John McCain and sidekick Lindsey Graham, where were you when Americans right here at home were robbed of their choices? In the words of Don King, " Only in America" !